Eric Brown and Mike Lee
Tom Hoiland and Carl Miller
Future Dodgers
Bridger and Derek
Bill Lee shares wisdom with Jeff Ilenstine and Tom Hoiland.
Bill Lee and Hugh Stine
Dave Caverly, Carl Miller, Charlie Zimmerman on the bench. Bill Lee standing.
Bill Lee drives it to the warning track for a double.
Jeff Ilenstine, Mike Lee and Dave Caverly between games.
Carl Miller, Tom Hoiland and Tom Black share a laugh.
Charlie Zimmerman, Geoff Zimmerman, Carl Miller and Tom Hoiland
Bill Lee on the mound. Tom Black at 2B.
Dodger fans include Annabelle Lee Harmon, former professional
ballplayer in the All American Girls Professional Baseball League.
Shelley and Judy brave the cold weather to cheer on the Dodgers.
Hunting before the games.
Celebrating after the games.
Carl Miller on the mound.
Jason Uberuaga
Dave Caverly
Charlie Zimmerman
Jeff Ilenstine
Tracy Turrell
Mike Lee
Kelly Fish
Hugh Stine
Carl Miller